Niacin is a water soluble vitamin and is very important for animal nutrition

The major function of niacin is in the coenzyme forms of nicotinamide, NAD(nikotinamin adenin dinükleotid)  and NADP (nikotinamid adenin dinükleotid fosfat). Enzymes containing NAD and NADP are important links in a series of reactions associated with carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. They are especially important in the metabolic reactions that furnish energy to the animal.Niacin deficiency in the chick is characterized by appetite loss, feather problems, permatites in feet and skin and growth failure. The deficiency results in “black tongue,” a condition characterized by inflammation of the tongue and mouth cavity. Beginning at about two weeks of age, the entire mouth cavity, as well as the esophagus, becomes distinctly inflamed, growth is retarded, and feed consumption is reduced. There is weight loss and both egg production and hatchability are reduced in niacin deficient laying hens. In the pre-ruminant calf, a diet free of niacin and low in tryptophan produced deficiency signs of sudden anorexia, severe diarrhea, ataxia and dehydration, followed by sudden death. And niacine is important to raise milk production and fat level in the milk.

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